Teaching Units

Early Childhood Education
DownloadEarly Childhood Education is an educational stage of paramount importance for the integral and harmonious development of the person. Thus, the main purpose of this stage is to contribute to the physical, emotional, social and intellectual development of students.
The starting objectives of this campaign focus on conveying to schoolchildren the importance of fish and shellfish in the diet, in relation to their nutritional contributions, and encouraging their consumption. In addition, they will delve into the knowledge of the species and the role of consumers in preserving the resources of the sea and in enhancing the professions of the sea.

Primary Education
DownloadThe purpose of Primary Education is to provide students with the learning of oral expression and comprehension, reading, writing, arithmetic, the acquisition of basic notions of culture, the habits of coexistence, study and work, the artistic sense, creativity and affectivity, in order to ensure a comprehensive training that contributes to the full development of his personality.
The starting objectives of this campaign focus on conveying to primary school students the importance of fish and shellfish in the diet, in relation to their nutritional contributions, and encouraging their consumption. In addition, they will delve into the knowledge of the species and the role of consumers in preserving the resources of the sea and in enhancing the professions of the sea.

Secondary Education
DownloadCompulsory Secondary Education aims to ensure that students acquire the basic elements of culture, namely in its humanistic, artistic, scientific and technological aspects; develop and consolidate study and work habits in them; prepare them for their incorporation into further studies and for their employment, and train them for the exercise of their rights and obligations in life as citizens.
The starting objectives of this campaign focus on conveying to secondary school students the importance of fish and shellfish in the diet, in relation to their nutritional contributions, and encouraging their consumption. In addition, they will delve into the knowledge of the species and the role of consumers in preserving the resources of the sea and in enhancing the professions of the sea.